Canine Respiratory Critical Care Proceedings

ISBN: 978-1-922054-51-7
Proceeding: 396DD
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 124
Author/s: John Angles, Richard Woolley
Publication Date: 12/11/2011

The Canine Respiratory Critical Care event was held on 12-13 November, 2011, at  Rydges Hotel, Sydney. The speakers were John Angles and Richard Woolley.

Cardiorespiratory collapse is an all too common presentation in dogs. These dogs often present close to death. Rapid assessment and treatment is vital. These lectures will focus on diagnosis, treatment and monitoring for critical respiratory diseases seen in clinical practice. Advanced treatments and cutting-edge updates are also discussed. This is the proceedings from the event.

Canine Respiratory Critical Care Digital Proceedings

Non-member price: 27.50
Member price: 20.50