Mark Krockenberger
BSc(vet) BVSc PhD GradCertEdStud FANZCVS (Anatomical Pathology)
Following graduation from the University of Sydney in 1993 (which included an honours study on the southern elephant seal, Mark returned to the faculty of veterinary science in 1997 to undertake a PhD on cryptococcosis in koalas, under the supervision of Paul Canfield and Richard Malik. Mark has since proved himself to be an outstanding wildlife researcher, teacher and veterinary pathologist. In 2004 he received the Clunies Ross Memorial Award from the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists. Mark has particular interest in fungal diseases and the broader topic of host/parasite/environment interactions in relation to disease causation. He has over 130 publications. Mark has received numerous awards for outstanding teaching. He is a registered specialist in Veterinary Pathobiology and is currently Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Associate Head of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the University of Sydney.