Amy Churchouse
Amy grew up in Wellington, New Zealand, and being outgoing with lots of interests, she has done lots of different things over the years. By the age of 30, she had a BSc in Sports Science and Psychology and explored a number of different industries and roles. Then at 31 Amy decided to follow her childhood dream of becoming a vet, and after obtaining her BVSc from Massey University, moved to Melbourne in 2015 and started her career as a vet. After experiencing some challenges in her own life and seeing a lot of suffering in the lives of others around her, Amy decided to stop working as a veterinarian and focus on making a difference in other people’s lives. In typical veterinary problem-solving fashion, she found a new way of using social media and started the ‘Good Karma Effect’ flowing. Today, she will be sharing how ‘Introducing the Pause Button’ gave her the opportunity to help people help each other, and how it could help you and your team.