Matthew Norton
University of Sydney - DVM
My name is Matthew Norton. I became involved with the CVE after working with Dr Robin Stanley, a previous Tom Hungerford Award recipient that has established and tutors a number of CVE courses in Ophthalmology after he too became involved as a veterinary student. I observed the CVE to be a fantastic conduit for the formation of extremely valuable relationships between course tutors and practicing veterinarians, aiding both career development and improved clinical outcomes for the patients. I have since discovered the CVE TimeOnline and PodcastPLUS courses are a fantastic adjunct to veterinary school course content. As an aspiring specialist in Small Animal Surgery (with added interests in ophthalmology and wildlife medicine), these courses prevented me from feeling despondent during specific class modules bearing little overlap with what I perceive to be relevant to my future career - an inevitable problem that all university students face from time to time! The combination of finding CVE courses personally worthwhile, observing the benefits in clinical practice and working with the lovely Elisabeth Churchward makes it a pleasure for me to contribute in any way I can.