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Epilepsy in Dogs & Cats TimeOnline

Epilepsy in Dogs & Cats TimeOnline

The violent and unpredictable nature of seizures can cause severe emotional distress to owners of affected pets.

It is therefore important that clients with epileptic animals are supported by their veterinary surgeon. A relationship based on mutual respect and a sound understanding of the basic principles of epilepsy are the key components of successful management. In this course we will focus on clinical decision making, common problems, and recent developments in canine and feline epilepsy.

Past Participant:

The Epilepsy in Dogs and Cats was a really useful and satisfying course. It was easy to follow, concise and had great case studies with even better feedback on discussion boards. Definitely useful for every clinician to help those animals presenting actively seizuring or for treatment of epilepsy!
Eleanor Burton-Bradley

Learning Outcomes 

By successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Be aware of the basic diagnostic concepts and treatment options for epilepsy in dogs and cats
  • Be able to use this knowledge to make clinical decisions in individual dogs and cats
  • Treat successfully epileptic emergencies, such as status epilepticus and cluster seizures
  • Be familiar with novel concepts and insights in canine and feline epilepsy


  1. Principles of surgery
  2. Epilepsy in cats
  3. Status epilepticus and cluster seizures
  4. Common problems in epilepsy – what if they don’t respond to treatment

What is a TimeOnline?

Flexible and accessible online CPD

TimeOnline is a quality online education program delivered by veterinary experts, in short, manageable timeframes. You will be engaging with your tutor/s and other participants through an active discussion forum and other online resources including a set of concise core notes, video presentations, case studies, images, useful links, and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and complete your CPD requirements. All participants receive an electronic certificate upon successful completion of the course

Who should enrol?

This course is suitable for qualified veterinarians. Student members are also welcome to enrol.

Registrant Type Price
Member* $510
Recent Graduate / Part-time Member  $320
Student Member $160
eMember / Non-Member $640

*Members include: Practice, Professional and Academic members.

Monday, 06 June 2022 to
Sunday, 03 July 2022
10 CPD Point/s
Delivered Online
Monday, 06 June 2022 to
Sunday, 03 July 2022
10 CPD Point/s
Delivered Online

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Steven De Decker
Steven graduated in 2005 from Ghent University in Belgium. After graduation, he performed there a Rotating Internship followed by a PhD about disk-associated cervical spondylomyelo...
Steven De Decker
Steven graduated in 2005 from Ghent University in Belgium. After graduation, he performed there a Rotating Internship followed by a PhD about disk-associated cervical spondylomyelo...

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Epilepsy in Dogs & Cats TimeOnline

The violent and unpredictable nature of seizures can cause severe emotional distress to owners of affected pets. It is therefore important that clients with epileptic animals are supported by their veterinary surgeon. A relationship based on mutual respect and a sound understanding of the basic principles of epilepsy are the key components of successful management. In this course we will focus on clinical decision making, common problems, and recent developments in canine and feline epilepsy.

The violent and unpredictable nature of seizures can cause severe emotional distress to owners of affected pets.

It is therefore important that clients with epileptic animals are supported by their veterinary surgeon. A relationship based on mutual respect and a sound understanding of the basic principles of epilepsy are the key components of successful management. In this course we will focus on clinical decision making, common problems, and recent developments in canine and feline epilepsy.

Past Participant:

The Epilepsy in Dogs and Cats was a really useful and satisfying course. It was easy to follow, concise and had great case studies with even better feedback on discussion boards. Definitely useful for every clinician to help those animals presenting actively seizuring or for treatment of epilepsy!
Eleanor Burton-Bradley

Learning Outcomes 

By successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Be aware of the basic diagnostic concepts and treatment options for epilepsy in dogs and cats
  • Be able to use this knowledge to make clinical decisions in individual dogs and cats
  • Treat successfully epileptic emergencies, such as status epilepticus and cluster seizures
  • Be familiar with novel concepts and insights in canine and feline epilepsy


  1. Principles of surgery
  2. Epilepsy in cats
  3. Status epilepticus and cluster seizures
  4. Common problems in epilepsy – what if they don’t respond to treatment

What is a TimeOnline?

Flexible and accessible online CPD

TimeOnline is a quality online education program delivered by veterinary experts, in short, manageable timeframes. You will be engaging with your tutor/s and other participants through an active discussion forum and other online resources including a set of concise core notes, video presentations, case studies, images, useful links, and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and complete your CPD requirements. All participants receive an electronic certificate upon successful completion of the course

Who should enrol?

This course is suitable for qualified veterinarians. Student members are also welcome to enrol.

Registrant Type Price
Member* $510
Recent Graduate / Part-time Member  $320
Student Member $160
eMember / Non-Member $640

*Members include: Practice, Professional and Academic members.

6/06/2022 9:00 AM - 3/07/2022 11:59 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time