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Ophthalmic Surgery TimeOnline

Ophthalmic Surgery TimeOnline

Ophthalmic surgery is often put in the too hard basket and referred on to specialists

This course is designed to give you a better understanding of the principles and practicalities of performing eye surgery with the aim of expanding the range of procedures you can confidently offer your clients. The course will feature a number of video procedures to help guide your learning.

Past Participant:

'Robin did a great job tutoring this course. He provides helpful feedback and clearly enjoys teaching.'
Pamela Oppenlander

'Loved the videos that linked in beautifully to the course content'.

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, you will:

  • Review the necessary equipment needed to perform ophthalmic surgery
  • Review the indications for a range of surgical procedures including eyelid tumors, entropion, cherry eyes, third eyelid flaps and cartilage eversions as well as the surgical management of corneal ulcers.
  • Understand the principles of performing a range of ophthalmic procedures including the removal of eyelid tumours, entropion surgery, cherry eye surgery and the surgical management of corneal ulcers.


  1. The essentials: equipment
  2. Eyelids: tumours, entropion, ectropion
  3. The Third Eyelid: cherry eye, eversion
  4. Surgical management of corneal ulcers

What is a TimeOnline?

Flexible and accessible online CPD

TimeOnline is a quality online education program delivered by veterinary experts, in short, manageable timeframes. You will be engaging with your tutor/s and other participants through an active discussion forum and other online resources including a set of concise core notes, video presentations, case studies, images, useful links, and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and complete your CPD requirements. All participants receive an electronic certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Who should enrol?

This course is suitable for qualified veterinarians. Student members are also welcome to enrol.

Veterinary nurses/technicians with a special interest in the topic are also welcome to enrol in this course. Please be aware that the course is designed for qualified veterinarians and you should consider this in light of your knowledge and experience before you register.

Registrant Type Price
Member* $510
Recent Graduate / Part-time Professional Member  $320
Nurse Member $320
Student Member $160
eMember / Non-Member $640

*Members include: Practice, Professional and Academic members.

Monday, 12 September 2022 to
Sunday, 09 October 2022
10 CPD Point/s
Delivered Online
Monday, 12 September 2022 to
Sunday, 09 October 2022
10 CPD Point/s
Delivered Online

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Robin Stanley
BVSc Hons MANZCVSc (Surgery) FANZCVSc (Ophthalmology)
Robin Stanley graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1984. He undertook an ophthalmology residency from 1987 to 1989, obtaining Membership of the Australian College of Veter...
Robin Stanley
BVSc Hons MANZCVSc (Surgery) FANZCVSc (Ophthalmology)
Robin Stanley graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1984. He undertook an ophthalmology residency from 1987 to 1989, obtaining Membership of the Australian College of Veter...

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Ophthalmic Surgery TimeOnline

Ophthalmic surgery is often put in the too hard basket and referred on to specialists. This course is designed to give you a better understanding of the principles and practicalities of performing eye surgery with the aim of expanding the range of procedures you can confidently offer your clients. The course will feature a number of video procedures to help guide your learning. Veterinary nurses with a special interest in the topic are welcome to enrol in this course. Please be aware that the course is designed for qualified veterinarians and you should consider this in light of your knowledge and experience before you register.

Ophthalmic surgery is often put in the too hard basket and referred on to specialists

This course is designed to give you a better understanding of the principles and practicalities of performing eye surgery with the aim of expanding the range of procedures you can confidently offer your clients. The course will feature a number of video procedures to help guide your learning.

Past Participant:

'Robin did a great job tutoring this course. He provides helpful feedback and clearly enjoys teaching.'
Pamela Oppenlander

'Loved the videos that linked in beautifully to the course content'.

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course, you will:

  • Review the necessary equipment needed to perform ophthalmic surgery
  • Review the indications for a range of surgical procedures including eyelid tumors, entropion, cherry eyes, third eyelid flaps and cartilage eversions as well as the surgical management of corneal ulcers.
  • Understand the principles of performing a range of ophthalmic procedures including the removal of eyelid tumours, entropion surgery, cherry eye surgery and the surgical management of corneal ulcers.


  1. The essentials: equipment
  2. Eyelids: tumours, entropion, ectropion
  3. The Third Eyelid: cherry eye, eversion
  4. Surgical management of corneal ulcers

What is a TimeOnline?

Flexible and accessible online CPD

TimeOnline is a quality online education program delivered by veterinary experts, in short, manageable timeframes. You will be engaging with your tutor/s and other participants through an active discussion forum and other online resources including a set of concise core notes, video presentations, case studies, images, useful links, and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and complete your CPD requirements. All participants receive an electronic certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Who should enrol?

This course is suitable for qualified veterinarians. Student members are also welcome to enrol.

Veterinary nurses/technicians with a special interest in the topic are also welcome to enrol in this course. Please be aware that the course is designed for qualified veterinarians and you should consider this in light of your knowledge and experience before you register.

Registrant Type Price
Member* $510
Recent Graduate / Part-time Professional Member  $320
Nurse Member $320
Student Member $160
eMember / Non-Member $640

*Members include: Practice, Professional and Academic members.

12/09/2022 9:00 AM - 9/10/2022 11:59 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time