Canine Osteoarthritis Proceedings

ISBN: 978-1-9222054-70-8
Proceeding: 377DD
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 109
Author/s: Chris Preston
Publication Date: 01/03/2009

The CVE's Canine Osteoarthritis event held in Launceston in March and in Adelaide in June, 2009. Dr Chris Preston presented a comprehensive review of the most common conditions which lead to lameness in dogs was presented to course participants. Systemically covered was the shoulder, elbow carpus, hip, knee and tarsus. For each condition discussed those attending learned about physical examination techniques, radiographic features, medical management strategies and surgical treatment options. Practitioners at all levels benefited from this interactive day on the most common causes of lameness seen in small animal practice.

This is the digital proceedings from this event.

Canine Osteoarthritis Digital Proceedings

Non-member price: 15.00
Member price: 11.25