Craig Ruaux
Dr Ruaux is a registered specialist in small animal internal medicine, and Associate Professor of Small Animal Medicine at the University of Sydney School of Veterinary Science. A 1992 graduate of the veterinary school at The University of Queensland, he spent a several years in mixed and small animal practices in both Australia and the United Kingdom before returning to The University of Queensland to pursue a PhD investigating objective markers of severity in canine acute pancreatitis. After completion of his PhD, Dr Ruaux joined the GI Laboratory at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University, before pursuing residency training at Oregon State University. After completing his residency, Dr Ruaux stayed on as faculty at Oregon State, eventually rising to the rank of Associate Professor. In 2016 Dr Ruaux took up a position as Associate Professor of Small Animal Medicine at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Massey University, before finally joining The University of Sydney in his current role in 2020.