Clinical Reasoning in Veterinary Neurology
Neurology is often considered the most difficult specialty and many practicing clinicians do not feel confident assessing patients with suspected neurological disease.
This phenomenon called "neurophobia' is associated with the belief that neurology patients can only be evaluated by neurology specialists. Many animals with neurological disease can however successfully be managed in first-opinion practice without the need for expensive diagnostics or advanced treatments.

During this webinarPLUS Steven Decker 'Clinical Reasoning in Veterinary Neurology' will discuss a step-by-step approach, called clinical reasoning, to neurology patients. You will see that even inexperienced veterinary surgeons can recognise important clinical clues that can help in reaching the most likely diagnosis in seemingly overwhelming neurological presentations. Following this step-by-step clinical approach will hopefully increase your confidence and joy when evaluating your next neurology patient.
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Steven De Decker
Duration: 58:49:00
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Topic/s: neurology

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