Distance Education

Premium, intensive online veterinary CE  


Flexible & accessible online CE with peer-to-peer learning

TimeOnline OnDemand

Self-paced learning gives YOU control | Flexibility to learn and develop your skills where and when suits you best


Webinar series FREE to CVE Members


Short, Sharp & Sweet CE for the busy practitioner - 1 Hour, World Experts & FREE! 


Highly practical – develop the confidence to implement your new skills immediately


Concentrated & Intensive CE 

Workshops & Conferences

Immersive, interactive & practical
Expand your knowledge and confidence in your clinical passion.

Our DE programs are mentored by leading veterinary experts who provide feedback on each monthly module. Modules include written content, videos, quizzes, and assignments. Enhance your learning by joining tutor-moderated discussion forums and attending optional case-based or practical workshops. 

Quality online continuing education delivered by veterinary experts in short, manageable timeframes incorporating informal, social and collaborative learning with your peers

Build in-demand skills in key clinical areas. Engage with your tutor/s and other participants through an active discussion forum. The programs are further enhanced by concise core notes, video presentations, case studies, images, useful links and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and round out the program. Earn 10+ CPD points with completion of each TimeOnline course.

TimeOnline OnDemand are short online continuing education programs that allow you to learn in your own time. Control your own learning, moving quickly through topics you may find easier and spending more time and effort on the challenging ones. OnDemand learning is a stress-free and enjoyable learning process.


Delivered by content matter experts, each OnDemand course gives you access to videos, presentations, notes, supplementary readings and an opportunity to test your knowledge. Succinct and engaging, these courses are designed to fit around your busy life and within your areas of interest.

Webinars are an ideal way to brush up on your skills when you are time poor, restricted by location or just prefer bite size CE.

WebinarPLUS are pre-recorded webinars presented by veterinary experts selected by CVE. Being pre-recorded, you can watch each presentation in your own time and participate in the discussion forum, moderated by your presenter for up to one week after the WebinarPLUS release. You will receive 1 CPD point for each CVE WebinarPLUS completed.

Webinars are an ideal way to brush up on your skills when you are time poor, restricted by location or just prefer bite size CE.

WebinarLIVE! presentations are led by veterinary experts, watched in real time and are followed by an interactive Q&A. It’s your chance to interact with experts, ask your burning questions and get real-time answers. You will receive 1 CPD point for each CVEWebinarLIVE! completed.

Practical workshops are an ideal way to build confidence and competence in your skills.

With the ideally balanced combination of theoretical and hands-on education, our workshops allow participants to obtain the most benefit possible through the practical application of the skills being taught. Small group teaching with a high tutor to participant ratio will ensure that you benefit from individual attention from the highly regarded and experienced tutor/s. Nothing beats on-the-spot feedback as you learn a new procedure.

Invest in 1-5 days of distraction-free, focused and practical learning.

Immerse yourself in a specific area or discipline for one or more days, making the most of time to engage with keynote speakers and maximise the educational opportunity. Network with peers sharing similar interests; build the relationships to support you in practice.

Centre for Veterinary Education conferences are a fantastic way to invest in a few days of distraction-free, focused learning.

Immerse yourself in a specific area or discipline and make the most of this time to engage with keynote speakers and colleagues from across the globe.

Our practical workshops are an ideal way to build confidence and competence in your skills with the balance of both theory and hands-on education.

You’ll be able to obtain the highest benefit possible through the skills being taught with small groups and a high tutor to participant ratio ensures you will benefit from individual attention and on-the-spot feedback.


Anaesthesia & Analgesia: Large Animals Distance Education

Monday, 26 August 2024

Speaker/s: Eduardo Uquillas & Christina Dart


Course starts in 30 day/s

Distance Education


In this course participants will gain understanding of the unique aspects of anaesthesia in domestic species presented in large animal veterinary practice. They will apply their fundamental knowledge and skills in anaesthesia to devise anaesthetic protocols by taking into consideration the risks associated with anaesthesia and the unique responses to anaesthesia, and to be able to respond to common peri-anaesthetic complications.  The majority of the course is dedicated to equine anaesthesia. The second part of the course will cover anaesthesia and anaesthetic techniques for ruminants, with a focus on small ruminants and South American camelids.

Advanced Dermatology Distance Education

Sunday, 01 September 2024

Speaker/s: Ralf Mueller, Sonya Bettenay & Stefan Hobi


Distance Education


Develop a logical approach to disease investigation and management of a range of complex dermatological cases, particularly immune-mediated and systemic diseases

Diagnostic Imaging: Abdominal Distance Education

Sunday, 01 September 2024

Speaker/s: Zoe Lenard


Distance Education


Improve your diagnostic skills and avoid common mistakes in thoracic diagnosis. Thoracic radiography is one of the most useful clinical tests undertaken in clinical practice and yet one of the most frequently cited areas of confusion. This course aims to increase your ability to take optimal thoracic radiographs and to interpret them confidently. The modules focus on radiographic interpretation, with incorporation of complementary imaging modalities, particularly CT and sonography, to assist in explanations of the radiographic pathological patterns present.

Anaesthesia & Analgesia: Unusual Pets Distance Ed.

Monday, 21 October 2024

Speaker/s: Eduardo Uquillas & Christina Dart


Distance Education


In this course participants will gain understanding of the peculiarities associated with anaesthesia in species that may be relatively less commonly presented in general veterinary practice but may require anaesthesia to facilitate handling, and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The species we will focus on are rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, birds and reptiles. Participants will apply their fundamental knowledge and skills in anaesthesia to devise anaesthetic protocols by taking into consideration the risks associated with anaesthesia, the unique anatomy and physiology and responses to anaesthesia , and to be able to respond to common peri-anaesthetic complications.

Anaesthesia & Analgesia: Fundamentals Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Eduardo Uquillas & Christina Dart


Distance Education


The primary goal for veterinarians is to ensure anaesthesia is as safe as possible for their patients. Systematic preparation for anaesthesia can significantly reduce unexpected and often severe complications, thereby enhancing safety. This involves meticulous planning across all four phases of anaesthesia: pre-induction, induction, maintenance, and recovery. Veterinarians must apply their knowledge and skills effectively to make informed decisions and prepare appropriately for each phase.

Beef Production Medicine Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Paul Cusack


Distance Education


Value-add to your services by using evidence-based approaches to cattle medicine and production problems that increase your client’s bottom line.

Behavioural Medicine Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Kersti Seksel, Debbie Calnon, Jacqui Ley, Isabelle Resch, Sally Nixon, Barbara Lindsay


Distance Education


Is it a behaviour problem or problematic behaviour? Learn to distinguish between the two, maximising treatment success for conditions like anxiety and aggression. This course deepens your understanding of behavioural pharmacology, offering critical insights into the appropriate use of psychotropic medications—detailing when, why, how, and which medications to prescribe.

Cardiorespiratory Medicine Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Niek Beijerink & Mariko Yata


Distance Education


Gain the skills and in-depth knowledge required for those challenging cardiorespiratory patients with this course. Advance your diagnostic ability with a hands-on echocardiology workshop.

Clinical Neurology Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Laurent Garosi & Simon Platt


Distance Education


Are you over-referring? Complete this course to boost your confidence in managing those challenging neurological cases that are often passed on to specialists. Neurological cases can be intimidating and are frequently referred to specialists. This course aims to clarify the process of localisation and build your confidence in handling these complex cases.

Clinical Pathology Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Sandra Forsyth & Karen Jackson


Distance Education


Make the most of in-house clinical pathology and achieve accurate, rapid diagnoses. Do you want to maximise the benefits of your bench-top analyser and in-house pathology? Achieve rapid, cost-effective diagnoses with increased confidence? Ensure that your bench-top analyser is providing accurate information? This course will expand and refine your diagnostic skills across a range of modalities including biochemistry, haematology, acid-base balance, urinalysis, endocrinology, blood smear evaluation, urine sediment evaluation and cytology. You will be guided through a range of practical techniques that will grow your confidence and ensure you are getting the best out of your in-house machines, as well as from external pathology services.

Dermatology: Pruritic Skin Disease Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Ralf Mueller, Sonya Bettenay & Stefan Hobi


Distance Education


Develop a logical, problem-based approach to the investigation of pruritic skin cases. Skin problems are among the most common reason for presentation in everyday practice. The CVE Dermatology Distance Education program is a modular course that aims to provide you with the practical skills necessary to work-up and resolve these often recurrent cases with minimal frustration for both owner and clinician.   The Pruritic Skin Disease DE course will cover the various common causes of pruritus: including insect hypersensitivities, atopic and contact dermatitis as well as food allergies, Malassezia dermatitis and pruritic parasitic skin diseases.  The pathophysiology of pruritus, including neurogenic and psychogenic pruritus will be reviewed with an emphasis on current and upcoming treatment modalities.

Emergency Medicine: Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Yenny Indrawirawan, Sophia Morse


Distance Education


Develop your capacity to treat small animal emergency and critical care cases confidently and maximise your patient outcomes. This course aims to develop your practical skills and techniques for the treatment and monitoring of critically ill animals. Triage, fluid therapy, analgesia, acute abdomen, respiratory distress and multisystem trauma are all covered with an emphasis on case-based problem solving.

Feline Medicine Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Rachel Korman, Katherine Briscoe.....


Distance Education


An unwell cat poses unique challenges to the often time poor, small animal practitioner. They require refined, considered and focused care for the best outcomes. This newly updated course is designed to reinforce, deepen, and broaden your knowledge of feline medicine in a practical, interactive, and enjoyable way. Each module will focus on improving your clinical approach and provide you with key information and tips from our tutors. Your development will be supported by regular webinars, individual feedback from your tutors and an active forum. Immerse yourself in an approachable community for learning and advice all about cats, including valuable recommendations on how to make your practice more 'feline friendly'.

Internal Medicine: A Problem-Solving Approach Distance Ed

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Jill Maddison, Sue Bennett, Susan Carr


Distance Education


Enhance your problem-solving abilities with a course designed to develop a rational, pathophysiologically-based approach to the diagnosis and management of internal medicine cases. Led by the esteemed Jill Maddison and Sue Bennett, and recently joined by Susan Carr, this modular course begins as clinical work does: focusing on the presenting problem. It advances to a pathophysiologically-based approach to diagnosing and managing internal medicine cases. The course encourages you to reflect and critically evaluate your case workup procedures, thereby improving your clinical effectiveness and outcomes.

Internal Medicine: Keys to Understanding Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Darren Merrett, Jen Brown, Steve Holloway


Distance Education


Three enthusiastic and knowledgeable tutors guide you through 10 modules designed to increase your confidence in your ability to diagnose and treat your small animal patients.

Surgery Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Chris Tan, Mark Newman, Wendy Archipow, Bronwyn Fullagar


Distance Education


Provide better outcomes for all your surgical patients and boost your confidence to approach more complex surgeries. This course aims to present an overview of surgery and assist you to improve your approach to diagnosis and management of surgical diseases. The modules will cover key principles, practical applications and procedures. Each module will be supplemented with a tutorial to give you immediate feedback as well as the opportunity to discuss key concepts and approaches with your tutor.

Ophthalmology Distance Education

Saturday, 01 February 2025

Speaker/s: Robin Stanley


Distance Education


Develop your ability and confidence to investigate, diagnose and manage your ocular cases, every single time and know when you should be recommending referral. Learn the fundamentals of a thorough ocular exam from the front to the back of the eye. Case-based learning will increase your confidence in handling ophthalmology in general, equine, or small animal practice.

Diagnostic Imaging: Thoracic Distance Education

Saturday, 01 March 2025

Speaker/s: Belinda Hopper


Distance Education


Improve your diagnostic skills and avoid common mistakes in thoracic diagnosis. Thoracic radiography, despite being a cornerstone in clinical veterinary diagnostics, often presents significant challenges and common pitfalls. This course is tailored to enhance your skills in producing and interpreting optimal thoracic radiographs. You'll delve into detailed radiographic interpretation, supported by the integration of complementary imaging techniques such as CT and sonography. These modalities play a critical role in clarifying radiographic findings and elucidating pathological patterns.

Dermatology: Infectious Skin Disease Distance Education

Thursday, 01 May 2025

Speaker/s: Ralf Mueller, Sonya Bettenay & Stefan Hobi


Early Bird Rates Expire: 31/12/2024

Distance Education


Develop a logical, problem-based approach to infectious skin cases. Skin problems are among the most common reasons for presentation in everyday practice. The CVE Dermatology Distance Education program is a modular course that aims to provide you with the practical skills necessary to work-up and resolve these often recurrent cases with minimal frustration for both owner and clinician.  The Infectious Skin Diseases course has a broad content list, ranging from bacterial infections and mycoses to ectoparasites not typically associated with pruritus (such as demodicosis). It also covers all aspects of otitis externa and media including pathophysiology, diagnostics, medical management and surgical interventions.  Professor Mueller is regarded as one of the world’s leaders in both demodicosis and otitis and leads this course. The introductory module will cover the general approach to a dermatology patient. It also features practical work with microscopy and skin biopsy sampling conducted on-line and covers the key steps in the approach to nodules. While much of the emphasis is on developing a logical approach to case management, this course reviews the latest information available on a wide range of conditions and presents the latest evidence-based treatment options available. Ultimately, having more confidence in your abilities to manage skin patients will lead to higher job satisfaction and improve patient outcomes.

Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Distance Education

Sunday, 01 June 2025

Speaker/s: Xander Huizing


Early Bird Rates Expire: 31/10/2024

Distance Education


Beyond broken bones - Increase your diagnostic accuracy and confidence. This comprehensive course will take your understanding of musculoskeletal imaging and pathology to a new level. Learn to refine the quality of your digital images and enhance your interpretation of radiographs of the appendicular and axial skeleton and joints.
