Distance Education

Premium, intensive online veterinary CE  


Flexible & accessible online CE with peer-to-peer learning

TimeOnline OnDemand

Self-paced learning gives YOU control | Flexibility to learn and develop your skills where and when suits you best


Webinar series FREE to CVE Members


Short, Sharp & Sweet CE for the busy practitioner - 1 Hour, World Experts & FREE! 


Highly practical – develop the confidence to implement your new skills immediately


Concentrated & Intensive CE 

Workshops & Conferences

Immersive, interactive & practical
Expand your knowledge and confidence in your clinical passion.

Our DE programs are mentored by leading veterinary experts who provide feedback on each monthly module. Modules include written content, videos, quizzes, and assignments. Enhance your learning by joining tutor-moderated discussion forums and attending optional case-based or practical workshops. 

Quality online continuing education delivered by veterinary experts in short, manageable timeframes incorporating informal, social and collaborative learning with your peers

Build in-demand skills in key clinical areas. Engage with your tutor/s and other participants through an active discussion forum. The programs are further enhanced by concise core notes, video presentations, case studies, images, useful links and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge and round out the program. Earn 10+ CPD points with completion of each TimeOnline course.

TimeOnline OnDemand are short online continuing education programs that allow you to learn in your own time. Control your own learning, moving quickly through topics you may find easier and spending more time and effort on the challenging ones. OnDemand learning is a stress-free and enjoyable learning process.


Delivered by content matter experts, each OnDemand course gives you access to videos, presentations, notes, supplementary readings and an opportunity to test your knowledge. Succinct and engaging, these courses are designed to fit around your busy life and within your areas of interest.

Webinars are an ideal way to brush up on your skills when you are time poor, restricted by location or just prefer bite size CE.

WebinarPLUS are pre-recorded webinars presented by veterinary experts selected by CVE. Being pre-recorded, you can watch each presentation in your own time and participate in the discussion forum, moderated by your presenter for up to one week after the WebinarPLUS release. You will receive 1 CPD point for each CVE WebinarPLUS completed.

Webinars are an ideal way to brush up on your skills when you are time poor, restricted by location or just prefer bite size CE.

WebinarLIVE! presentations are led by veterinary experts, watched in real time and are followed by an interactive Q&A. It’s your chance to interact with experts, ask your burning questions and get real-time answers. You will receive 1 CPD point for each CVEWebinarLIVE! completed.

Practical workshops are an ideal way to build confidence and competence in your skills.

With the ideally balanced combination of theoretical and hands-on education, our workshops allow participants to obtain the most benefit possible through the practical application of the skills being taught. Small group teaching with a high tutor to participant ratio will ensure that you benefit from individual attention from the highly regarded and experienced tutor/s. Nothing beats on-the-spot feedback as you learn a new procedure.

Invest in 1-5 days of distraction-free, focused and practical learning.

Immerse yourself in a specific area or discipline for one or more days, making the most of time to engage with keynote speakers and maximise the educational opportunity. Network with peers sharing similar interests; build the relationships to support you in practice.

Centre for Veterinary Education conferences are a fantastic way to invest in a few days of distraction-free, focused learning.

Immerse yourself in a specific area or discipline and make the most of this time to engage with keynote speakers and colleagues from across the globe.

Our practical workshops are an ideal way to build confidence and competence in your skills with the balance of both theory and hands-on education.

You’ll be able to obtain the highest benefit possible through the skills being taught with small groups and a high tutor to participant ratio ensures you will benefit from individual attention and on-the-spot feedback.


Orthopaedic Procedures: The Nurse Role WebinarPLUS NurseEd

Monday, 12 August 2024

Speaker/s: Finn Parker


Designed for Nurses



Master routine orthopaedic procedures such as MPLs and TPLOs, and gain insights into managing complex cases like fractures. This course emphasises the nurse's role throughout the patient's journey, from initial hospital presentation to recovery. Key components include instrumentation and theatre nursing.

A Good Death: Improving End-of-Life Care WebinarPLUS

Thursday, 29 August 2024

Speaker/s: Laura McGuffog




The human-animal bond has undergone significant evolution over the past few decades, a reality that veterinary professionals are particularly attuned to. Owners rely on us to provide the highest level of care throughout their pet’s life and facilitate exceptional end-of-life care when the time comes. Euthanasia, an invaluable tool within our profession, grants us the privilege of alleviating suffering. Despite the undeniable importance of this practice, our natural aversion to grief and death can impede our ability to provide the compassionate care that our owners and patients need. The aim of this talk is to provide you with a greater understanding of what owners need from us when they navigate their pet’s farewell. This talk will discuss the technical aspects of the euthanasia appointment, urging reconsideration of common approaches and protocols in practice. The use of pre-medication or sedation prior to euthanasia has significant benefits that go far beyond the avoidance of manual handling and stress. We will also explore the communication skills required to convey both empathy and reassurance during the appointment. By leaning into end-of-life care, and appreciating its significance to the families we serve, we can help provide an experience that celebrates the wonderful lives that our patients have lived.

Wildlife: Orphaned Birds & Possums WebinarPLUS NurseEd

Monday, 09 September 2024

Speaker/s: Melissa Fangmeier


Designed for Nurses



Rabbit Anaesthesia: where everyone holds their breath waiting for it to be over - including the patient. Rabbits have a higher reported anaesthetic mortality rate than dogs and cats. There are a number of factors that influence this, including differences in behaviour, anatomy and physiology that need to be appreciated to prepare for a safe and successful anaesthetic in this species. They may also have underlying disease processes, that are undetected, as prey species are excellent at masking signs of illness. The aim of this webinar with Megan Walmsley is to arm nurses with the knowledge and skills to address some of the challenges in rabbit anaesthesia and the confidence to advocate for these patients.

Real-World Resilience & Wellbeing WebinarPLUS

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Speaker/s: Jessica Moore-Jones




Real world resilience and wellbeing in the veterinary profession: moving away from corporate tick-boxes and generic self helps tips. While the veterinary industry has come a long way in recent years investing in the wellbeing of our profession, much of the support has been adapted from psychology and/or business industries. The generic self-help advice that we could find online or the guidelines that can feel naive to our challenges have been well-meaning but often unhelpful in navigating the real world of what it’s like in vet practice.

Organisation of Your Hospital WebinarPLUS NurseEd

Monday, 14 October 2024

Speaker/s: Finn Parker


Designed for Nurses



Do you feel like you're working hard every day, but things seem to spiral out of control in your hospital? Or that things could be organised, but you don't know where to start? This course aims to simplify these processes, by helping you create a structure to your workflow. It focuses on patient management, client management, and scheduling - as well as how to ensure your hospital is resourced and can run smoothly, even when you're not there!

Diets for Chronic Enteropathies WebinarPLUS

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Speaker/s: Cecilia Villaverde




Chronic enteropathies are common diseases in dogs and cats where nutritional management, together with other therapies, is important for quality of life. There are many diets marketed for these conditions, that differ in strategies and other aspects. This presentation will present the different types of diets for intestinal disease, what makes them special, and give some tips on how to choose one.

Investigating Feline Chronic Enteropathies WebinarPLUS

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Speaker/s: Luke Johnston




Cats are known for keeping their cards close to their chest, and in the diagnosis of chronic enteropathies, this is no exception. These cases can be difficult to manage in both the diagnostics and treatment pathways. We will talk about the presentations of chronic enteropathies, what look-a-like conditions to rule out and when to consider diets, biopsies, and other interventions. You may be surprised how the diagnostic workup and treatment is easier than you think!
